Business Coaching
Why is it that world class athletes have coaches? Clearly the coaches role is important in helping the athletes with their technique,
strategy, planning and motivation. The same concept applies to business owners who are looking to improve the performance of their business.
Unfortunately a large number of business owners work long hours for inadequate financial returns. As Michael Gerber points out in his book, ‘The
E Myth – Why Most Businesses Don’t Work and What To Do About It’,
“Most people work IN their business. The secret is NOT to work in it, it’s to work ON it so
that you don’t have to work IN it”
We are not your ‘average’ firm of CPA's who just ‘keeps the score’. Our clients enjoy a ‘business coach’ relationship and we help you work ON your business to develop a business that works independent of you. We offer you strategies, systems and processes to ensure your marketing generates a better return and repeat business. We use tools and techniques to increase sales, productivity and make your financials more meaningful. When you work with us you have a true business advisor committed to your results.
We combine our knowledge of your business with our expertise and consulting tools to help you achieve more than you imagined possible. Knowledge is power and if you know how your business is performing, you can make informed decisions and have the power to control your results. We can help you identify emerging issues so that a minor problem never becomes a major crisis. No matter what size your business is, success comes down to strategically thinking about the future.
We use tools such as benchmarking to systematically measure your operating performance over time and then compare the results against similar businesses. It helps identify key strengths and weaknesses which in turn allows us to develop strategies to improve the operating performance of the business. Statistics, ratios and key performance indicators (KPI’S) are monitored and we compare them to prior periods and available industry data.
Accurate and timely financial information is vital in the business coaching process. For this reason, when recommending the accounting software for your business we match your business needs with your level of accounting skill. We have a commitment to excellence from compliance to consulting and our experienced team can provide advice that is both technically sound and success driven.
We primarily work with committed and ambitious business owners who recognise the importance of marketing and are willing to invest in their business. They are prepared to work hard but they also want to work smarter. If you’re looking to make your business more profitable, valuable and saleable contact us today.
We also invite you to book a FREE, one hour introductory consultation to discuss your business needs. You can expect practical business, tax, marketing and financial advice designed to help you accelerate your business success. To book a time, call us today on (03) 9383 2700 or complete your details in the box at the top of this page.
Linda McGowan - Strategies & Solutions for Business Owners
If you’re looking to make your business more profitable, valuable and saleable. Contact Us to discuss our services and packages.
Either phone us on (03) 9383 2700 or complete the form below