How Does Your Website Rate?

Your website should be at the hub and heart of your marketing. It’s often the first touch point with a potential new customer so you need to make the right first impression. Unfortunately, a lot of websites under perform and to assess the current performance of your website there is a terrific tool called Website Grader that does a quick analysis of your website. You can do a Google search on ‘Website Grader’, or you can type in the URL:

Simply enter your URL or domain name and click on the “Get Your Answer” button. In less than 30 seconds, a number of robots will assess your website in terms of overall performance, optimisation for mobile devices, SEO, page load times and security.  The tool then generates an online report of how good or bad your website is performing.

If you scroll down the page, it identifies the weaknesses and areas for improvement.

This tool is very simple to use plus it’s designed for a non technical person so you can get a benchmark score of your website’s overall performance. Any score less than 60 probably means you need to take action. If you’re planning to get a website developer to do some work on your website, you can tell them what specific areas you want to improve. This gives you a way of monitoring the work they perform plus the measurable improvement. You can set tasks for them and log back in and see if a lot of those red marks have turned to green and your grading score has gone up.

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